Creative real estate investing solutions.

We help the seller get the price they want at the terms the buyer needs. Whether that’s buying the property subject to the original mortgage terms or financing the seller’s equity, or a combination of the two, we find a way to make sure everyone gets what they need.

Stop foreclosure!

Don’t let a foreclosure define your financial future. We can buy your property subject to the original mortgage terms, effectively taking over your existing mortgage, bringing the account current, and rebuilding your credit. We can even assist you in finding a new place to live if needed.

Capital gains? More like lost capital.

Need to sell your property but want to avoid losing ~40% of its value to capital gains taxes? We can work out a seller financing solution where you receive steady monthly payments over any number of years, thus reducing your tax burden.

Everyone wins

We don’t believe in a zero-sum game. In any real estate transaction, everyone should come out as a winner. It’s always better to have allies than enemies, so you can be sure we’ll do everything in our power to make sure the seller, buyer, and anyone in between wins.